Best Lawn Mowing and Watering Techniques

Irrigation head for watering your lawn

Proper mowing and watering techniques are crucial for maintaining a healthy and attractive lawn in Des Moines, Iowa. The Midwest climate can be harsh, with hot summers and cold winters, and having a well-maintained lawn can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your landscape. In this article, we will discuss the importance of proper mowing and watering techniques and provide tips for maintaining a healthy lawn in Iowa.

 Mowing is one of the most important aspects of lawn care. Mowing at the right height and frequency helps to promote a healthy root system, reduce the risk of disease, and improve the appearance of your lawn. We recommended a mowing height of 4-5 inches for most grasses in Des Moines. Mowing at this height helps to shade the soil and reduce water evaporation, which helps to conserve moisture. Additionally, mowing at the proper height helps to reduce the risk of disease and pests.

It's also important to mow your lawn regularly. The frequency of mowing will depend on the type of grass you have and the amount of rainfall your lawn receives. In general, it's recommended to mow your lawn every 7 to 10 days during the growing season. Mowing your lawn more frequently can result in the grass being scalped, which can stress the grass and make it more susceptible to disease.

 When mowing your lawn, it's important to use a sharp mower blade. A dull mower blade can tear the grass instead of cutting it cleanly, leaving your lawn vulnerable to disease and pests. It's also important to mow in different directions each time you mow to avoid creating ruts in the lawn.

 In addition to proper mowing, watering is also crucial for maintaining a healthy lawn in Des Moines. In general, it's recommended to water your lawn deeply and infrequently. This means watering your lawn for a longer period of time but less often. This type of watering helps to encourage deep root growth and reduces the risk of disease.

 It's also important to water your lawn at the right time of day. Watering your lawn in the morning is the best option as it allows the grass to dry before nightfall, which helps to reduce the risk of disease. Watering your lawn in the evening or at night can also lead to disease as the grass will stay damp for longer, providing an ideal environment for disease to thrive.

The amount of water your lawn needs will depend on the type of grass you have and the weather conditions. In general, it's recommended to water your lawn 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. This can be done by using a rain gauge or measuring the time it takes to water your lawn.

 It's also important to be mindful of the water restrictions in your Des Moines. Water restrictions may be in place during periods of drought. In these cases, following the restrictions is important, and only water your lawn when necessary.

In conclusion, proper mowing and watering techniques are crucial for maintaining a healthy and attractive lawn. By mowing your lawn at the right height and frequency, using a sharp mower blade, and watering your lawn deeply and infrequently, you can promote a healthy root system and reduce the risk of disease. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy a lush and healthy lawn for years to come.

Let us help you enjoy a lush lawn without the work.  Contact Urban Farmer Lawn and Landcare about our weekly lawn care program.


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