Des Moines Area Lawn Weed Control
Certified Weed Control Application
We are licensed and certified for the safe application of all weed control products for your Des Moines area lawn. Don’t trust this process to anyone but a licensed professional.
Our weed-control application is included as part of a 5-step lawn care program to ensure not only a weed-free lawn, but also a green and healthy lawn all summer long in Des Moines. Our program includes:
Our 5-step process applied by a licensed and certified technician includes the following:
Early Spring - Your lawn needs a little help as it emerges from winter dormancy. This first fertilizer supplies needed nutrients and a pre-emergent weed control application to keep weeds at bay.
Late Spring - This second treatment is a high-nitrogen fertilizer to replenish the nutrients and keep your grass green and healthy as the summer months begin.
Early Summer - As we prepare for summer heat, your lawn needs to ensure it has enough nutrients to withstand higher temperatures. We apply fertilizer and a post-emergent weed control treatment.
Early Fall - This fertilizer application includes a healthy dose of potassium and other nutrients to replenish those lost during the summer while also encouraging deep-root development. This keeps your lawn greener longer.
Late Fall - We apply post-emergent weed control to keep your lawn weed-free until next spring.